
Description: (Click on image for video walk through of wireframe) Chrome Extension to encourage multimedia content (such as a news article from NYT) consumers to act on empathy by learning more about a topic (like homelessness)

Role: Software Engineer + Designer


  • > Figma to wireframe the chrome extension
  • > Implementing with backend of Python Django to send messages back and forth between backend/database of analysis of multimedia content (currently just news articles) for keywords to provide actionable content in a light weight Preact,JS,HTML,CSS front end chrome extension
  • > Figma wireframe here
  • ....
  • Users -- Multimedia content (mainly word based) consumers who want to find more ways to follow topics locally and nationally. Idea first targetted users who cared about the topic of homelessness and the chrome extension was to illuminate on misconceptions.
  • empact


    Description: (click on video for wireframe demo/walk through) App to Navigate Resources for Those Experiencing Homelessness

    Role: Software Engineer


  • > Figma to wireframe the app
  • > Conducted user interviews
  • > Implementing with backend of Express to connect PostgreSQL database with React,HTML,JS front end
  • > Figma wireframe here
  • ....
  • Users -- mobile-friendly and desktop-friendly app considering our end users are those navigating homelessness. They will usually have access to wifi as well as own a mobile device or can get access to a desktop in a public setting.
  • resource-app

    Visual System in Unity

    Description: (Click on image for a video presentation) Chrome Extension to encourage multimedia content (such as a news article from NYT) consumers to act on empathy by learning more about a topic (like homelessness)

    Role: Data analyst + Software Engineer + Qualitative Designer


  • > Conducted data analysis before deciding elements to visually display
  • > Implemented low-fidelity prototype using Unity game engine (C#) and connected to real time electrodermal activity from Empatica bracelets
  • > Related Research Here
  • ....
  • Users -- Study participants (3 total: 2 collaborating and 1 moderator) who would blindly put together a pre-prepared story line/comic strip through only their verbal senses and a moderator would try to increase collaboration using the visual system.

  • Personal Site

    Description: I was overdue for a personal website so I decided to create a minimalistic one from scratch to get to know HTML and CSS more intimately.

    Role: Designer (a lot of CSS recycled and inspired by credited people) + Software Engineer/Developer


  • > Did not wireframe but took inspiration from different sites
  • > Go to the Home Site here
  • ....
  • Users -- Me + People interested in me

  • CSS design creds: hyperlink highlights and grid format